注册须知/Registration notice


1.您所即将进入的网页包含成人内容, 同性相关内容,您必须已经成年。







Before you register on this site, please confirm and agree to the following conditions and regulations:
1. The webpage you are about to enter contains adult content, same-sex related content, you must be an adult.
2. Any content published on the website comes from the Internet and only represents the position of the author and does not represent any position of this site. If there is any violation, please contact this site to delete it.
3. This site prohibits all people who attack LGBTQ groups.
4. This site prohibits posting and discussing topics related to politics, religion, falsehoods, or crimes.
5. This site prohibits posting underage, bestiality, SM and violent pictures, videos or links.
6. Pornography is not explicitly prohibited in your area.
If you disagree or meet the above rules, please leave

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